About us

            commerce4europe - strategic thinking, years of expertise and agile skills

Our goal is perfect results and the satisfaction of our customers is always our top priority. We combine a wide variety of skills in our team and have a resilient and internationally oriented network that we can always bring to the successful processing of our projects.
We are proud of that.

Walter Trezek

  • Walter grew up in the postal industry
  • Over 35 years’ experience as a consultant in the digital commerce & logistics
  • Chairman of the Consultative Committee (CC) of the Universal Postal Union (www.upu.int), CO-Chair of Ecommerce Europe (www.ecommerce-europe.eu)
  • Working Committee on eLogistics, and Convenor and Secretary in European Committee for Standardization (www.centc331.eu) on matters to digitalize Postal Service, and advisor to the European Commission (Logistics & Transport, VAT, Customs, Postal Market).
  • Managing partner of several internet and    ecommerce companies
  • Based in Vienna


The challenges in e-commerce can only be solved through international cooperation. My mission is to translate the results into usable recommendations for action for companies and to implement them.

Florian Seikel

  • Loves public affairs and is at home in European and international politics
  • Many years of experience in leading national and international ecommerce associations
  • For him, logistics and trade are a special matter of the heart
  • Managing director of logistic natives e.V. and member of the Forum for International Retail Association Executives
  • Based in Berlin and Hamburg


With the combination of application-oriented research and advice on the digitization of the industry and expertise in the field of logistics, flow of goods and infrastructure, we create a deep network. This actively and sustainably shapes the framework conditions for the industry, for example through the standardization of processes.

Toralf Schneider

  • Founder, visionary realist, addicted to ecommerce
  • Degrees in business administration, production logistics and quality management
  • Managing partner of several internet and    ecommerce companies
  • Long-standing companion of the "Digital Transformation" and marketplaces 
  • Focuses on the microcosm of sustainability, quality and regional logistics chains 
  • Father of 3 sons, based in Berlin


Every project is unique. That's why I always try to develop a unique solution that exactly matches the specific requirements. Regardless of whether it is a small draft strategy or extensive planning, I take my time.

Silvio von Krüchten

  • Silvio starts at eBay Deutschland GmbH as Manager Seller Programs, being responsible for the development, implementation and management of eBay's International Trade Assistant Program
  • Degree in Business Administrations
  • CEO of i-ways sales solutions GmbH
  • Over 20 years experience in e-commerce
  • Managing partner of several IT Development and e-commerce companies
  • Based in Berlin


In our increasingly complex world, we need innovative solutions that simplify the use of the opportunities created by digitalization.
These solutions are technology-based, build on more than 20 years of experience in the digital economy and always in the digital economy and always focus on value for the customer.
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